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Renovations are underway for our permanent labs! In the meantime, we have a temporary space in which we have set up sample preparation and electronics workbenches. Between this lab and the Toronto Nanofabrication Centre, we have everything we need to take raw materials like graphite and hexagonal boron nitride and turn them into complex multi-layered 2D electronic devices for investigating exotic electronic behavior.

Our measurement cryostats on are the way. Once these are in place, we will be able to measure electronic phenomena down to 10-2 K and in magnetic fields up to 12 T. In these extreme conditions, we will search for new physics and seek to understand what drives electronic ground states in a variety of 2D systems.

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    HQ Graphene fully motorized 2D crystal assembly system
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    HQ Graphene fully motorized 2D crystal assembly system
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    Our Park NX7 Atomic Force Microscope
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    Our Park NX7 Atomic Force Microscope
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    Home-built high-vacuum annealing furnace
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    Fully motorized Nikon high-power inspection microscope
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    Nikon zoom inspection microscope
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    CoreAFM: atomic force microscope for routine imaging and tip-cleaning (undergraduate wing)
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    Raith EBPG 5000+ Electron Beam Lithography System (TNFC)
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    Angstrom Nexdep Electron Beam Evaporator
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    Oxford PlasmaPro 100 Cobra ICP-RIE